Other Services
"Other Services to cater your needs"
- Advice on the issue raised by client pertaining to service tax implications.
- Advice on the issue raised by client pertaining to Cenvat Credit.
- Advice on the issue raised by client pertaining to TDS implications especially in case of overseas transactions.
- Assist in drafting reply to departmental queries, demand notices, show cause notices etc.
- Represent before the various service tax appellate authorities.
- Obtaining Importer Exporter Code Number and Liaisoning with the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).
- Registration under Shops & Establishment Act.
- Obtaining PAN Registration.
- Obtaining industrial licenses Micro/small, medium and large scale industries.
- Registration of BIS, Trade Mark, RCMC, PF, ESIC.
- Portfolio Management
- Wealth Management